19 mins Bordeaux skate footy at 95%, guest cities: Tokyo, Malmö, Paris, Montpellier (France)
Featuring: Alexis Greusard, Leo Valls, Vivien Feil, Akira Imamura, Mark Suciu, Jesse Narvaez, Mike Mag, Sergio Santoro, Pierre Lespes, Gauthier Rouger, Lawrence Ravail, Sergio Cadaré, Samuel Vroman, Vincent Dallemagne, Julien Januszkiewicz, Clement Vidal-Roussel, Vincent Boyom, Arnaud Henriot, Randy Nakicen, Thomas Cartier, Thibault Babillotte, Mael Wolters, Peter Buckley, Bruno Laheurte, Vincent Gros and more!
Filmed and edited by Julien Januszkiewicz (Instagram: / julien_j )
Supported by Popular Skateshop (https://www.popularskateshop.com/)
Magenta Skateboards (https://magentaskateboards.com/)
Bordeaux Exposure Series Episode 1 included (12 mins)